03 / January / 24

EV need not stress out business leaders

Leaders know that innovation thrives on disruption. Let’s face it, electric vehicles (EVs) are shaking up the transportation landscape like a bolt of lightning on a rainy day. Legislation and better business practices are disrupting an industry that has changed little since Henry Ford. To ride this wave, mastering the art of public and depot…

Leaders know that innovation thrives on disruption. Let’s face it, electric vehicles (EVs) are shaking up the transportation landscape like a bolt of lightning on a rainy day. Legislation and better business practices are disrupting an industry that has changed little since Henry Ford. To ride this wave, mastering the art of public and depot charging isn’t just an option – it’s a strategic imperative. But what does a truly exceptional EV charging experience look like in 2024 and beyond? Buckle up, because we’re about to hit the fast lane.

This is The Golden Age of Rapid Recharging

Forget the glacial charging speeds of yesteryear. In 2024, ultra-rapid chargers, pumping out 350kW and beyond, are the new reality. Imagine topping up your battery in the time it takes to grab a latte – talk about seamless integration into busy lives. This translates to reduced range anxiety, longer journeys, and, crucially, more satisfied business EV drivers.

Coupling rapid public charging with dedicated depot/workplace charging is the most efficient way to power your fleet and minimise downtime. The key is making sure that the depot charging fits into your journey cycles.

Charging is not just a matter of speed.

Speed is just one facet of the equation. In 2024, public charging stations is evolving into vibrant micro-hubs. Picture sleek facilities integrated with retail outlets, coffee shops, and even leisure spaces. Charging your car becomes a chance to grab groceries, indulge in a spot of retail therapy, or enjoy a family outing. It’s a time to do that Teams meeting, to get some work done or to unwind with a stimulating podcast. This isn’t just convenience – it’s creating a whole new ecosystem around EV ownership.

Smart Power, Smarter Charging.

Efficiency is the engine of sustainability AND profitability. In 2024, intelligent charging networks orchestrate the flow of electrons like a digital maestro. Dynamic load management makes the best use of the available power at the charging point to give the fastest charge whilst pricing mechanisms will incentivize off-peak charging, reducing strain on the grid and lowering costs for drivers. Imagine real-time data guiding EV users to the most efficient and cheapest chargers, optimizing energy cost, use and charging time.

Charging for business MUST become a seamless omnichannel experience.

EV Drivers are done with juggling apps and accounts.

In 2024, more unified platforms will be your passport to charging freedom. One tap should unlock any charger, simplify transactions, and put control at your fingertips. We’re talking seamless integration with existing payment systems, location-based services, and loyalty programs. Convenience isn’t just about speed – it’s about removing friction from every step of the journey.

Sustainability has to be at the core of business.

Of course, our journey towards EV nirvana must be a green one. In 2024, more charging stations than ever are powered by renewable sources like solar and wind. Imagine bio-degradable charging cables made from recycled materials. Picture partnerships with green energy providers, truly offsetting carbon emissions, not just greenwashing, and paving the way for a truly sustainable future.

Our 2024 Roadmap – From Vision to Reality

So, how are we, at Formula Space, making this electrifying vision a reality?

We’re not just talking the talk – we’re walking the walk. Here’s a sneak peek at our 2024 plans:

  • Strategic Deployment of Outstanding Charging Spaces: We’re partnering with the largest and best charge point operators (CPOs) across the UK to install a network of charging stations, providing the right charger, at the right place and putting an end to range anxiety for good.
  • Creating Destination Charging Hubs: We’re working with CPOs to develop vibrant charging hubs that redefine the EV experience. Think co-working spaces, entertainment zones, and family-friendly amenities – all while your car refuels.
  • We are delivering depot charging solutions for businesses that are designed, branded and as efficient as the very best award winning public spaces we create
  • Creating accessible charging spaces that are fit for everyone to use. We work closely with Chargesafe, a national organisation that audits and approves our work and is an integral part of our design process.
  • Investing in Renewables and Sustainability: We’re committed to powering networks with clean energy sources and minimizing our environmental footprint. With solar canopies, recycled rubber and environmentally sourced products we deliver with minimum environmental impact.

We Collaborate for Success.

This electric revolution isn’t a solo act. We believe in the power of collaboration. In 2024, we’ll be working closely with policymakers, energy providers, and fellow industry leaders to accelerate the development of a robust and reliable public charging infrastructure. Because a smooth transition to EVs requires collective effort.

If you are a leader, the time to electrify your vision is now.

Let’s join forces, usher in a future where charging an EV is an experience, not a stressful inconvenience. Let’s make 2024 the year you and the UK truly goes electric!

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