26 / March / 24

Access for All: Enhancing User Experience in EV Charging

What is PAS 1899? PAS 1899, developed by the British Standards Institution, serves as a comprehensive framework guiding the design, installation, and operation of EV charging infrastructure. It establishes essential guidelines for various aspects of EV charging spaces, encompassing safety considerations, accessibility requirements, and technical specifications. Formula Space recognise the paramount importance of adhering to…

What is PAS 1899?

PAS 1899, developed by the British Standards Institution, serves as a comprehensive framework guiding the design, installation, and operation of EV charging infrastructure. It establishes essential guidelines for various aspects of EV charging spaces, encompassing safety considerations, accessibility requirements, and technical specifications. Formula Space recognise the paramount importance of adhering to industry standards to ensure the safety and reliability of charging infrastructure. 

How do we deliver it?

We take our clients on a journey from concept to reality and pride ourselves on ensuring the safety and accessibility of all charging stations. We design charging spaces with accessibility in mind, following guidelines outlined in PAS 1899 to accommodate users with disabilities, ensuring all equipment meets safety standards, and prioritising user experience, enhancing convenience and usability.

Often landlords are reluctant to reduce the number of parking bays on their sites, as typically one bay is lost for every 3-4 accessible bays installed around a charger.  Trying to work with the landlord to try and accommodate their preferences and requirements, as well as maintain the integrity of your brand once the site is installed and live can be difficult. Essentially, Formula Space work with ChargeSafe, as well as different user groups, to drive PAS compliance across sites being installed across the UK.

Why is it important?

These organisations and PAS itself, helps to give the market some clarity on the ‘what’ when it comes to accessibility and safety. Formula Space work on bringing clarity to how these guidelines are delivered. We bring the right experts around the table and work out how to deliver PAS compliance; even on challenging sites, and get different concepts reviewed and tested proactively with the relevant stakeholders in the market prior to going live in the public eye.

By catering to a broader audience and addressing their concerns, prospective EV owners will gain greater confidence in making the transition to electric vehicles and significantly boost the rate of EV adoption. Installing charging stations with appropriate features like lower-height connectors, tactile elements and wider spaces can make charging a seamless experience for all. Notably, safety concerns for female EV drivers at charging stations, along with the scarcity of charging infrastructure in rural regions, have been highlighted. Establishing a public charging network that is both accessible and safe for all will effectively tackle these challenges; ensuring sites have clear signage for navigation and effective lighting can help to keep drivers safe.


Ensuring accessibility in EV charging infrastructure is not just a matter of meeting regulatory standards; it’s about creating an inclusive environment that caters to the needs of all users. PAS 1899 provides a robust framework for achieving this goal, covering aspects ranging from safety to usability.

Formula Space is committed to delivering charging solutions that not only comply with PAS 1899 but also exceed expectations in terms of accessibility and user experience. Get in touch with us to discover how we can help you take charge of your space.

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